Economic Model Analysis

Dual-Token Deflation Mechanism

  • USDT Buyback and Burn: 50% of the USDT spent on upgrading monkeys will be used to buy back GNB over 30 days for burning.

  • Withdrawal Fee Burn: 100% of the withdrawal fees for GNB and SHE will be burned.

  • Store Burn: 70% of the GNB and SHE used to purchase food and props will be burned.

  • Beach Upgrade Burn: 70% of the SHE used to upgrade beaches will be burned.

  • Lucky Battle Game: 70% of the GNB spent on participating in battle games will be burned.

  • Unclaimed Referral Rewards Burn: 100% of the unclaimed portion of daily referral rewards will be burned.

With a comprehensive deflation mechanism, GNB and SHE will maintain stable circulation and value within the ecosystem. Continuous token buybacks, burns, and consumption ensure token scarcity, utility value, and prevent inflation, thereby promoting long-term value growth.

Analysis of GNB and SHE Appreciation Logic

GNB Token Appreciation Logic

  • Extreme Deflation: Through USDT buyback, withdrawal fees, purchasing food and props, and unclaimed referral rewards, a significant portion of GNB will be burned. This extreme deflation increases GNB's value.

  • Adventure Monkey Game Empowerment: The use of GNB for purchases, rewards, and community incentives within the Adventure Monkey game enhances GNB's value through practical application.

  • Launchpad Empowerment: GNB will power GINANCE's Launchpad, serving as the voting and payment token for projects launching on the platform. High consensus and high holding rates boost GNB's value.

  • Reduced Circulation through Strong Ecosystem Applications: The extensive use of GNB within the game and the GINANCE ecosystem reduces its circulation, leading to value appreciation.

  • Increasing Application Scenarios: As the GINANCE platform successfully launches and continues to develop, GNB will find broader application scenarios, gradually enhancing its value and market position.

  • Platform Governance Voting: GNB token holders will have the right to participate in platform governance decisions through voting, increasing the token's utility and holding rates, thereby promoting its value growth.

SHE Appreciation Logic:

  • Extreme Deflation: Through Withdrawal fees, beach upgrade fees, purchasing food and props, and unclaimed referral rewards, a significant portion of SHE will be burned. This extreme deflation increases SHE's value.

  • Low Supply, High Demand: SHE is exclusively produced by beaches, with a limited daily output. Even at higher levels with increased output, consumption remains high. The minimal market circulation of SHE establishes its high-value attribute.

  • Adventure Monkey Game Empowerment: The use of SHE for purchases, rewards, and community incentives within the Adventure Monkey game enhances SHE's value through practical application.

  • Beach Production Reduction: Except for level 1 beaches, when the number of beaches of the same level reaches the reduction threshold, SHE's production will decrease accordingly, up to a 50% reduction. As production decreases and consumption and burning continue to increase, SHE's value will keep appreciating.

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